Sunday, May 25, 2008

Murder Set Pieces

Murder motherfuckin Set Pieces. This is another one of those gems that make wasting half your nights in front of fearnet really worth it. It's about a neo nazi that photographs naked women, then tortures and kills them. with metal teeth. bonus points for being the most goddammed freaky movie i've seen in a long while. on my list of movies to watch with my grandmother this one ranks dead last. oh and he rapes 11 year old girls--cause mommy didn't love him!

Margarets--9. bloody fucking 9 cause he'll bite your face off.
AHs--9. hookers are hot, and willing to get naked.
Chimps--7. think it's too creepy to be funny? pussy.
Sandra Bernhardts--10. This guy is actually out there somewhere, eating prostitutes.

1 comment:

Ghostrapist said...

Eating hookers isn't a bad thing. As long as you pay her to fake enjoyment.