Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Los Perros Amorres de Soldaten

Now, I ain't to sure if I got the right translation for the title of Dog Soldiers, but considering that Spanish subtitles made this movie better by tenfold, that's got to say something right? Right?
Not Featured: Fight with Dignity

This may make the movie seem like its filled with nothing but John Woo dual gun akimbo shoot offs with real bulky and disturbingly asexual werewolves, but you'd be damned wrong. The movie consists of a bunch of British "plunkers" (British for gaywad) dicking around in the woods being really dumb, retarded, eviscerated, and downright " poofish" (British for decapticated...I think).

Bloody Mary's: 5. Despite the awfulness of this tardo-athon, it's like the makers spent a majority of their budget on sweet fucking gut slashes. Score 1 for B-Horror.
Titaways: -1. Unless you're really into the big hairy tits of a sexy lycanthrope that isn't banging Kate Beckinsale.
Noam Chimpskys. 1. Does anyone actually remember what this rating scale was based on? I sure as hell can't. Fearmongoloid was experiencing double retard strength when making this shit.

Sorry, I was distracted for a moment. Now that I have my wits with me, I just want to go on the record as saying that Dog Soldiers sucks donkey dong. I mean it's horribly mediocre at best, insultingly derivative at best. If you want a werewolf movie with some humor and substance, go watch An American Werewolf in London. Or at least pop one out to Underworld. That Kate Beckinsale bitch is drop undead, shaddup faggot! You know you play DND. Queerbot.

Saturday, August 30, 2008


Have the months gone by with you saying, "Hey wasn't there the most amazing fucking web log in the world called Torturetown, USA that truly and that made me feel like what it is like to be pwnd?" Because if you have, then something is really wrong with you, since in all likelyhood you were looking for sheep porn. Faggot.

The point is, Torturetown, USA, is coming hard. Like Peter North on some fucking beezy, we're going to blow our load with great furious anger. Or excitement. Or...something.

What I'm really trying to say is that FearNET's plethora of shoddy horror movies is surprisingly lacking. Which means it's time to expand our (i.e. me and Fearmongoloid's) horizons.

What I'm double trying to say is I just bought a Netflix account, so we can watch as many shoddy horror movies as we damn please.

Let the Torturetowning begin.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Sleepwalking is for your mother

Mmm, where to begin with Sleepwalkers...ah yes, the motherfucking. While the evil sleepwalkers of this film aren't actually very horrific, all the motherfucking in this movie at least gives you a weird, uncomfortable feeling in your stomach.

Sleepwalkers have decent powers I guess. They can go invisible, make sweet hot rods change color, and feed by very slowly sucking virgin souls from the mouth. Personally I would suck the soul from a different orifice. I mean, you gotta make sure its a virgin, right? am I right? guys? ...sigh. But those sweet powers are not really scary, at all. oooh, they look like tiger people in the mirror! oh no! Plus, one little kitty scratch is like getting stabbed in the face for a sleepwalker. pssh. pussies.

But the main problem for me was that this movie reeks a little too heavily of a stephen king book turned to film. Books turned to horror movies always suck, without fail.

The role of Clovis the cat nailed him the #3 spot on this list of horror movie kitties.
Not bad, little fella. Not bad. I gotta see Night of 1,000 Cats, by the way.

hoohAHs: -2. for inflicting me with incest makeout sessions but never getting the hot girl naked.
chimpsters: 4. maybe the incest helped out in this category.
Margarets: 4. mostly for the bloody dance scene at the end.
SandBerns: 3. yeah whatever

In conclusion, meh.

Monday, June 23, 2008

They'd Call Him Johnny 600 If They Knew the Truth

This how IMDB describes The Curse of El Charro:
"Plagued by nightmares and her sister's suicide, Maria joins her friends on a road trip to a vacation home in a remote desert town. Once there, she finds herself hunted by El Charro (Andrew Bryniarski) - an ancient evil driven to exact a brutal revenge on Maria's lineage. The Curse of El Charro creates a world where 70's exploitation, 80's character based horror, and German Expressionist silent films can coexist against a backdrop of religious portends, bizarre dreamscapes, and chicks covered in blood" - Some Fag on IMDB

I'd describe it as:
"Plagued by craptasticly edited nightmares of some bitch dying, some chubby Mexican girl joins her jack ass friends on a trip to Bumblefuck, Arizona. Once there, the ghost of Danny Trejo proceeds not to go all Machete on their dumbasses for a little under an hour. The Curse of El Chorro is a fucking shitfest made of suck and asspoo based probably on a crackbaby's idea of what growing up in Arizona is like. Arizona is a hersey squrit. Like from a butt."

I'd also like to add that in Spanish slang chorro means diarrhea. Which is still giving this assathon a compliment. I'd like to top off with a few more complaints: Saguaro, where the move is set, is about an 8 hour drive from LA, where the movie starts. It's a straight shot on I-10. It would be impossible to get lost on it. Even women can figure out how to stay on a single fucking road, right? Another point I'd like to make is to every LA filmmaker: Please stop making an LA montage for every fucking movie you make. I get it alright, you like LA. Home of stars and sin and lots of coked out whores. La ti fucking da asshole, you graduated from USC with a film degree. I'm suprised you managed that, what with all the blow and cocksucking taking up your time. Faggot. Stop making movies and ruining to good name of Danny Trejo. He's one bad motherfucker. And he'd cut you good...with his MACHETE!

MAGREGRETS: 7. There's a lesbian carpet muching scene in the showers that reminds me of my first time: bloody and screaming.
ANNIES: 5. The tits were few and far between and not very appealing. At least there was a sexy lesbian murder scene.
CHIMPS: 3. Oh wow, this movie potrarys Arizona at its comedic finest: Not funny at all.
SANDRAS: 1. I'll explain why this movie isn't scary....right now:

In closing, if this movie was a child, it'd be the one you keep in the back room during the dinners that your boss comes over for. For some reason it builds a mythos of a torture sould craving vengeance and the divine plan to stop it all. Caught in the middle are a group of 4 LA crackheads being retarded, doing retard shit in a retard town. Seriously, there's a plot element of what appears to be angels trying help the chunky protagonist, but it really isn't made clear. Plainly put, it can't tell dildoes from snakes, and that's usally a bad thing. Also, ends up the chubby suffers from CWBS. I guess it isn't just white bitches anymore.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Black Sheep better without Chris Farley

Black Sheep
asks the age old question, what happens when a movie steals the name of a classic comedy and inserts two brothers, one with an irrational fear of sheep and another with an insatiable love of sheep? Keep in mind that these brothers are from New Zealand. The answer is one of the best new age horror movies I've seen since Zombie Strippers, and that's saying something. So this movie isn't on fearnet yet. But it will be soon, guaranteed. And if not, it's worth it to rent.

The story is basically that of Resident Evil, except instead of zombies, its sheep. The umbrella corporation is a farmer interested in genetic engineering, and the T-virus is I guess some virus that gets created when you splice human and sheep DNA? That part is unclear, but basic zombie rules apply to the sheep. They bite you, you become them. It’s a heart wrenching story because sheep are fucking precious, and a sheep smeared with blood grazing among scattered body parts is fantastic in every way.

Leave it to the Kiwis to show American B movie directors how it’s done. I know, crappy CGI that your brother-in-law learned at the academy of arts gives you a boner. That’s OK, but it doesn’t mean it belongs on the big screen. With mostly make-up, costumes, and a perfect amount of squirting blood Black Sheep gives CGI the finger and it really works. They needed to show a truck falling off a clip, so they actually pushed a truck off a cliff, how balled out is that? The icing on the cake is the shot at the end featuring a main characters penis, a la Sleepaway Camp. Imagine Stretch Armstrong’s penis in a tug of war contest. With a sheep’s teeth.

Margarets: 10 out of 10 for blood, easily.
Bernhardts: 5, it’s not really scary, but it did give me nightmares…
ChimpyChimps: 8, it starts out slow but then gets real funny real fast.
Hathaways: 2. Very little in the way of sex appeal in this one, unless your into sheep. But c’mon, they aren’t even shorn. Fag.

In conclusion, this movie is a serious winner in my book. Watch out for writer/director Jonathan King making some waves.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Demons Have A Sense of Decency

Now imagine for a moment: you are a sexy sorceress summoning succubii sensuously...shit ran out of s-words. You are nude, along with your equally nude coven performing the summoning ritual which involves sauntering s uggestively (shit, I should've used this instead) and stabbing your vagina with the sacred slashing switchblade (ok, I'm pushing the alliteration too far now), sending the unholy words of unending madness into abyss to rise dark deities dreaming dark dreams... ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl
fhtagn...Any who, you get the idea. You lack any morals or decency and you're only in it for the bitches, blow, and the destruction of all mankind. Needless to say when the she-demon you call forth from the realms of doom is wearing granny panties, you'd probably a little sketched out by the whole deal, right? Like, maybe this isn't such a good idea to use an ancient evil that has serious acne problems and gross chones for my nefarious plans after all.

Well thankfully, you're not in The Slaughter, which lives up to its title with big, chopped up letters of gore and viscera. After some seriously thinking (i.e. getting drunk and watching Zombie Strippers!!!), I can safely say that El Slaughterino isn't that bad of a movie. In fact, it's pretty good. But it does have its flaws. Flaws which are like lambs to the...what's it called?

First being: Demons don't wear underwear. So you have the balls to tell me an eons-old evil is too shamed of its own evil-lady bits? Then I have the balls to say that you are high on PCP and dogshit. Second complaint: The characters are just awful. I mean, name a goddamn stereotype and this movie has it. Stupid Stony Mcgee? Check! Stupid Whorebot-o 9000? Check! Stupid Super-Leftist-I-think-Karl-Marx-and-RATM-are-the-best-things-blah blah blee blah? Check! Saying stupid shit doesn't count as character development; it counts as making not only your characters look like ass-burgers, but you, the writer, like an ass-burger. I think that my biggest complaint is the movie just tries too hard to do it all. Horror movie, satire, parody, slasher, zombathon, gorefest, etc. It loads in genre-buckshot and misses by a wide margin. I think what definitely forgets is a sense of its own failure. It lacks humility, say like, Paris Hilton or Nick Hogan. It needs a good prison style raping to get it back on the straight and narrow path of awesomeness. Or swallow its shit, and decided not to take anything seriously ever again. And then make Zombie Strippers!!! Seriously, go see that shit already.

MARGES: 9. This movie has gore and guts up the whazoo: face rippings, axe-choppings, pussy puncturings. Bloody finesse!
AHHHHHSS: 9. Tits ahoy! I'm pretty sure this movie shows a tit every 2 minutes.
CHIMPLETONS: 4. Oh your shirt says "Gilligan owes me weed"? You sir, are the king of comedy
SANDRAS: 3. I just don't find prudish succubii scary. Or sexy.

In closing, you still haven't seen Zombie Strippers!!! So fucking do it. It's probably the best thing to happen the zombie stripper industry since cocaine was invented.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

The Entire Time, I Just Wanted to Hear Her Scream

Let it be known that I, Ghostrapist D. Lazlo, am a man of conviction and passion. I firmly believe that everything and everyone is worth hating (including but no limited to: Jesus, Jews, Jews for Jesus, Hitler, Hitler on Ice, Tim Dunn, Godzilla, myself, having no clean socks, and Tim Dunn) solely because it or they suck real hard. Not that this is a bad thing; I think that the only way to really appreciate the finer points in life is to bitch and moan non-stop until someone smashes a bottle of MD 20/20 Tropical Blue over your noggin'. That way, after you get over your concussion, you realize that's there always something worse. Now, you maybe starting to wonder: Ghostrapist, you're ranting again, but bear with me: I bring this up because I have never been less inspired by a movie until I had seen Mute Witness

Now check this:

This trailer makes the movie actually worth watching, right? Well, you'd be grossly misled. The movie consists of a retarded Helen Keller running away from murderous Russians bent on silencing her for witnessing the making of a snuff movie. Now why is this Helen Keller retarded, you ask? Well, she can see and hear. And is pretty attractive . And can run pretty fast. She's just mute, which if you ask me, isn't so much a handicap as it is a bonus. So where did this movie go wrong? Besides having a heroine incapable of expressing any emotion, the movie just isn't scary. I mean, I'm mostly aroused when broken down Czech prostitutes are murdered on film for profit in the post-Soviet apocalyptic nightmare that is modern St. Petersberg. The silent star's best pals are bumbling American oafs, which is the most accurate characterization of the entire movie (hey, everyone knows you can kill Slovakians for dimes on the, rupees on the rubles). The most terrifying aspect of this movie? This is the last film appearance of Genuine Fucking Class Obi-Wan Kenobi Alec Guiness. May the force cause this movie to permanently forgotten into the ether.
MARGES: 3. Czech whores bleed like Needle Night at a hemophiliac's convention.
AHHHSS: 8. Who knew mute girls were goddamn foxes? -2 for ugly broken down Czech whore though.
CHIMPS: 4. There is one scene in which the someone dies due to the ole hair-dryer-in-the-tub. This scene still does make up for the utter lack of this movie
SANDRAS: 1. This movie would have been way scarier if she was deaf, too. And blind. And lived in the late 1800's. And was Helen Keller.

In closing this movie is: funny dog pictures

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Death By Reeker

We all know if it weren't for someone plagiarizing the Honeymooners, we wouldn't have the Flintstones. And if someone hadn't ripped off Sgt. Bilko, there'd be no Top Cat. But my daddy always told me you have to earn the right to cheat and steal. Hell, if you rip someone off but your shit is better, you deserve the glory. Fuck the patent office. Annoyingly, Reeker shamelessly poaches the twist ending from the marginally enjoyable Campfire Tales but only adds some rank ghost-robot outhouse guardian who drill-rapes unsuspected ecstasy laden teens as they try to drop one in peace. I don't know if I actually hate this movie more because it has the same coma-dream ending as Campfire Tales or because the Reeker has the nerve to attack kids in what I consider to be the sanctuary of the gods (the shitter). Whatever the reason, just remember: if it stinks like the reeker and kills like the reeker, you probably just ate Hot Pot City with Zach Lau.

Chimps: 7- Primo stereotyped druggy loser provides some comic relief
Bernhards: 6- I think the Reeker actually came out of Satan's ass circa 1200 B.C.
Hathaways: 3  (9 if you only watch the above clip)
Margarets: 7- As bloody as my asshole after overwiping post- fiery diarrhea (arterial bleed levels)

Friday, May 30, 2008

When You Give Yourself a Stranger

This is a first-time exclusive on Torturetown, USA: the review of a non-FEARnet movie! Expect more of these half-assed raves and rants as time and drunkenness increases.

The Strangers
. So many things I could say about it. So many hateful, hurtful, cruel, maligned things. They'd all be true, but I'll keep it quick and simple.
Don't see The Strangers. Much like banging an ex, it seems like a good idea at the time, until you start crying and wishing you were dead. Fucking skank. I'm actually going to give you some advice instead of raving on: go see Funny Games. At least in that one, you realize that the audience is supposed to feel like it was left cold, alone, and broken in the world. Just like that fucking whore left me.
LARGE MARGES: 5. For a movie about torture, no one gets the shit tortured out of them. What a tease! They could have least cut the lips off of Liv Tyler. As a bonus, Dennis from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia gets shot in the face.
AHHSSS: 0. Not a tit in sight. Not even any elven side boob.
CHIMPS: 7. If you're like me and like when people have their hearts torn out in front of them and tossed into a fire, then you'll realize that I'm talking about emotional pain. Because that shit is hilarious.
SANDRAS: 6. There's a lot of jump and shock scares. Not much else. Unless you find crippled bitches gimping around for 20 minutes on end horrifying.
In closing, if you have seen Funny Games, then don't see The Strangers. Redgardless of liking or disliking Funny Games, it'll just make you want to have a gun more. Hicks need to know: America is packing, so stop torturing people, or you'll get shot in the face. Assholes.

Love Object

Love Object is the story of the seemingly innocent love between man and doll gone horribly, horribly wrong. The main character has a serious boner for the woman of his dreams, but he suffers from 28 year old tall handsome virgin syndrome. He needs practice! So naturally he buys a real doll.

Nothing turns me on quite like a cold vacant stare and a slightly slacked jaw. Long story short, a vicious love triangle erupts between the doll, the man, and the real woman whom the doll is modeled after. and Rip Torn. He's also involved somehow. But the real question that this movie raises is, after you've killed a woman does semen act as an embalming fluid? In my experience, no.

AHHHHHHs: 5--for the sweet doll tits! and there may have been real boobs too, but those are for fags.
Margarets: 4 mostly for the bloody embalming gun fight at the end
Chimpos: 7--a man fucking a realdoll is high comedy, no question.
Sandra: 3 oh no, my real doll handcuffed me to herself while I slept! boo hoo this is sooooooo scary.

In conclusion this story is primed for Love Object 2. It's the story of a woman and her dildo, but the dildo is in love! The dildo's passionate rage costs several lives before the woman asks Rip Torn to help her kill it. But thats when the dildo really starts to be a dick...

Thursday, May 29, 2008


Do you know about this Web 2.0 bullshit? And like how every fucking site is all like "oh yeah, we're like totally Web 2.0 enabled?" What does that even mean? Assfucks. Well guess what! We're on the fucking train too! Pretty soon, we gonna have pics and vids and a whole bunch of other Web 2.0 ass shit going on. Man, I hate selling out. Speaking of which, have you had your Titty Holiday today?

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Nuns with Bad Puns!

Where do evil nuns go when they die? If you said evil nun heaven, you'd be wrong. Dead wrong! Instead they hang around waiting for a curse to be lifted and then straight up fuck people up with their incredible water powers. At least that's what I've from The Nun.
Seriously, there's a nun with magic water powers. But does she kill with liquid-filled lungs and hypothermia? Nope, she chops off arms, heads, and performs abortions. She's like a holy Ginzu knife.
Normally, I'm strictly anti-abortion, being an upright citizen and Catholic that has never once tortured, raped, killed, and then molested the corpse of a Thai lady-boy hooker (besides, he was brown, so it's not like he was ever human), but The Nun brings up an excellent moral quandary: what if a nun performs an abortion? Does that make it okay? I'd say yes. It's like an exorcism of an evil vagina, an evil impregnated vagina. Catholic doctrine is totally down with eradicating evil at all costs, vagina or not. What if that baby was the anti-Christ? Huh? Wouldn't you want to abort the anti-Christ? Take that pro-life Pete.
The Nun overall wasn't that bad of a movie; of course, I didn't hear a word of it as apparently party settings are not conducive to watching movies. The point is: if you like nuns getting their abortions on, then this Nun's for you!
Yeah, sorry about that.
MARGRETS: 8. Fat ladies losing arms. Fat ladies losing heads. I like this fat lady abuse.
AHHHSSS: 3. Lots of young nubile ladies in wet clothing, but no boob shots. Psh, just like every other Catholic girl! Except this one doesn't believe in anal either. Fucking prude.
CHIMPS: 8. See the MARGRET entry. I like fat lady abuse
SANDRAS: 6. Really fucking terrifying if you're or ever have been a Catholic school girl. Horrifying if you're the unborn anti-Christ. Kinda scary otherwise.

In short, The Nun wasn't as bad as I thought. Except for it suffers from CWBS. When will we learn, world? Don't let white bitches go crazy!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Underground, Only the Dead Can Hear You Scream...and people within 20 feet of you too, I guess

'Sup bitches? Ya miss me, ya cunts? Good, 'cuz I fucking hate you, too. Today is not your day, because I am about to lay the law down on you, Catacombs, crazy white bitches, and Paris.
Now 'afore I get this started: Did you know that 200 years ago, the crazy ass fucks that ran Paris up and decided to move all the dead folk in normal cemeteries and put them underground in catacombs? Although this is another reason to hate the French, this doesn't make sense right? Well, Catacombs wants you to know that Paris for all its romance is "...the site of the largest Mass Grave in the world." Now as fake as this sounds, the Parisians did just run out of places to put their dead, so they opted to put them in a bunch of old quarries and abandoned mines. Thankfully, dead old Parisians aren't like Native Americans, and get super pissed off when you do anything to desecrate their resting places. Seriously, those fuckin' reds get pissed over anything. Oh boo-hoo, someone made a bong out my skull, let me start haunting and raping shit and ruin your cable reception because if I don't get Showtime in the Happy Hunting Grounds you shouldn't either. Chief Feather-Up-My-Ass, cut it out already, no one cares about the red man's blight anymore.
Anyways, where was I...oh yeah...
Catacombs is FEARnet's first foray into films and flicks. Starring Pink and that one hot chick from A Knight's Tail, it tells the story of two sisters, played by Pink and that one hot chick from A Knight's Tizzale. Now that honestly the only thing you need to know about this movie, because most of it consists of the chick from A Knight's Pail running around the same fuckin' catacombs in combat boots for about an hour. This bitch must be half Kenyan, as she is rail thin and likes to run marathons while being chased by murder machines or tribal rivals. The movie opens with Pink and her dickhead friends being dicks to the chick from A Heath Ledger Movie About Night and Shit. One thing leads to a Parisian shopping montage, and the happy sisters find themselves at a rave in the titular catacombs. After being a total party pooper, the chick from find herself being chased by some wacky son of Satan anti-Christ mongo blah blah blee blah. I'm not going to describe the movie any further, as it's all pointless. You see, remember when I Pink and her friends as being dickheads? You don't? It was like 4 sentences ago, ass-fag. The point is, the entire chase was a practical joke done by said dickhead friends to initate the chick from A Knot's Snail into their dumbass club for French douche bags. Needless to say, the chick from Aw Fuck It gets real upset. So upset she goes on a murderous rampage and kills her sister, and all of her dickhead friends. Can't say they didn't have it coming , being French and all.

MARGRETS: 2. As bloody as my first period.
AHHHHHSSS: 3. Short of some nice raver boobs in the beginning, neither Pink nor crazy white chick show some skin. Fucking prudes.
CHIMPS: 6. I thought Pink was a great comedic actress, with her fumbled lines and lack of conviction.
SANDRAS: 3. If I was a big black man, this movie would make me scared of skinny white bitches. Unfortunately I'm day though.

In closing, I feel as if a lot of low/no-budget horror movies cop out of an actual ending by have their spunky/depressed/whatever white lady lead go crazy. Haunted clown house inhabited by demons of tortured children? Nope, it's actually the plucky white heroine who was once molested by her clown father wrecking vengeance upon the town folk? Haunted school inhabited by a psychopath with a chainsaw attached to a sword attached to a gun who rapes all varsity athletes? Nope, it's actually the plucky white heroine who once saw her mother molest varsity athletes. Crazy white bitch going crazy? Nope, it's actually...well, okay that wouldn't be a cop out. Maybe I feel this way because I hate women, maybe because I hate white people, maybe even because I was molested: the point is Crazy White Bitch Syndrome (or more commonly CWBS) is killing horror movies and I will not rest until I bitch and moan about how badly Pink deserved to die.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Murder Set Pieces

Murder motherfuckin Set Pieces. This is another one of those gems that make wasting half your nights in front of fearnet really worth it. It's about a neo nazi that photographs naked women, then tortures and kills them. with metal teeth. bonus points for being the most goddammed freaky movie i've seen in a long while. on my list of movies to watch with my grandmother this one ranks dead last. oh and he rapes 11 year old girls--cause mommy didn't love him!

Margarets--9. bloody fucking 9 cause he'll bite your face off.
AHs--9. hookers are hot, and willing to get naked.
Chimps--7. think it's too creepy to be funny? pussy.
Sandra Bernhardts--10. This guy is actually out there somewhere, eating prostitutes.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Greetings from a Middle American Torture Den!

Greetings chumps!
I'm another fearnet...fellow. Mongo may have gotten the props for the first couple of posts and deeming the criteria for ranking and what not, but I'll tell you outright what that fucking douche lacks: Chutzpah. Balls of brass. Gunga-dins. I actually have no idea what that means, but the point is there's more to fearnet than blood and boobs. There's a lot of heart and spirit, just like any other Middle American Torture Town. I'm going nowhere with this, I know, but bear with me. Fearnet isn't a way of life for us, it's a way of....shit, I guess it is a way of life. Needless to say our lives are lacking.

Anywho, Ulli Lommel's Cult Classic Blah Blah Blee Blah Black Dahlia is another reason why people shouldn't be allowed anywhere near computers. Give an idiot a damn Digicam and they think they're Michael Bay (that's two insults in one). Give an idiot access to the student version of iMovie and they think they can win the editing award for the Dipfuck Academy of Redardation and Crappy Editing. Give Ulli Lommel both of these and he made Black Dahlia. This movie would only be scary to autistic kids who are terrified of awful post production effects made on someone's MacBook.
MARGRETS: 5. Okay, you want to be a bloody massacre movie with blood, guts and ass rape everywhere, but don't give us Hitchcockian kill angles. You ain't fooling no one no how, Ulli. Don't insult my learning disabilities.
AHSSSSSSSSS: 3. Yeah there was tits. Will I pop one out to them? No, because I'm not gay.
CHIMPOS: 2. About as funny as a sad clown with leukemia on fire.
SANDRAS: .5. See comment about autistic kids.

In closing, if this movie was a hooker, I would pay it to stab itself with a rusty screwdriver.

Blood Diner

Not on fearnet anymore, but certainly a legend in its time. FEAR SHITAAR!

Anne Hathaways--10
Sandra Bernhardts--9.9

Black Dhalia

This movie looks like it was filmed with a handycam and edited with iMovie. It took approximately 18 minutes before becoming unbearable. I literally shit better movies in high school.

Are you there God, it's me Margarets--4. Lots of blood, but it looks like ketchup
Anne Hathaways--4. Boobs somewhere midway through. meh.
Chimps--3. and only a 3 for the dance scene after the first killing.
Sandras--1. fuck this movie.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Ranking System

Many things make a fearnet good, but there are four categories in particular which I value most: Actual scariness, blood/gore, boobs/nudity, and hilariousness. A 10 point scale is used to rank fearnets in these four categories, under the labels of Sandra Bernhardt's (actual scariness), Are you there God, it's me Margarets--Margarets for short (blood and gore), Anne Hathaways (boobs), and Chimps (funniness).

As an example, lets rate The Ring. I'd give it 9 Sandra Bernhardt's, 7 Margarets, 2 Anne Hathaways, and maybe 2 Chimps.

Welcome to Torture Town, USA

This is the world's premier blog for ranking movies on fearnet. Rank hard, rank fast, and rank for your goddamned life.